This publication is the 12th issue in a row in which we present our top birds achievements from the last few years.
In 2014 we decided to start with a Homepage. You can find us at www.MVN-PIGEONS.com. As we make the homepage, we didn’t know that it is so easy to find a place to get to find all over the world. People visit us all over the world. The year of 2014 was also the year with all lot of disasters and promises, we couldn’t make over but also a lot of great things happened.
It was the 2nd time we went to the “voorjaars beurs” to Houten. We never thought it would be such a big success! Lot of people visit us although we main nobody knows us. However, Eric Maas, a special friend of us means that his DV3668-05-352 “De Duitse Duivin” make the name van Nunen in the pigeon world. Eric Maas became this pigeon from us in 2007. This pigeon became to be his stock hen. She is (grand) mother of about 29 pigeons witch flow a price under first 10 in combine. Eric Maas comes to Houten over several years and told us to come over to present our pigeons.
In the beginning of 2014, we make a promise to start over again with racing our pigeons. We would start over at the offspring flights in the Netherlands. The most people know that the loft is standing 10 km past the boarding of the Netherlands in Germany. Everybody knows that it takes time and discipline to race with pigeons. You can have the best pigeon of the world, but without time you can’t win the race. Marc’s job as Building constructor takes a lot of time. In offspring the days are long and mostly with gut wetter. Therefore, we would start over racing at the 6 offspring flights in the Netherlands. It is even possible to join with old birds as well as young birds. Nevertheless, the fist disaster was a fact. The NPO (Nederlandse Postduivenhouders Organisatie) hat chanced the rules that if the loft is standing out of the Netherlands you may not have part of the racing in the Netherlands. So, game over for mvn-pigeons at racing in the Netherlands.
Now tree years later we became a lot of information bag of the people that took some youngsters of Houten. Most of the people are really positive about them. Thanks an all those witch spend time, money and pleasure in our pigeons to make them for what they are borne to.
In 2016 Ron, Marc’s father makes it possible to try the pigeons. Ron began to race with YB’s in 2016 and now the new season 2017 has been started! The results of 2016 are very promising for the future. 13 flights 13 results! Ron raced 8 youngster flights and 5 late flights. Of the 13 flights he had 3x 1st, 1x 2nd, 2x 3rd, 1x 5th, 2x 7th, 1x 9th, 2x 11th and 1x 13th in the union. On these 13 flights are almost no pigeons lost and that is today almost even more important! Lost pigeons do not fly prices!!! Ron has raced the 2nd and 4th ace-pigeon in the union of 2016! The start is a fact! 12 flights 12 results! My Dad, Ron van Nunen has not done badly with our youngsters at the 8 youngster flights and the 4 late flights. Of the 12 flights 3x 1st, 1x 2nd, 2x 3rd, 1x 5th, 2x 7th, 1x 9th¬, 1x 11th & 1x 13th in the club! On these flights are almost no pigeons lost and that is today almost even more important! Lost pigeons do not fly prices!!! 12 flights 12 results! My Dad, Ron van Nunen has not done badly with our youngsters at the 8 youngster flights and the 4 late flights. Of the 12 flights 3x 1st, 1x 2nd, 2x 3rd, 1x 5th, 2x 7th, 1x 9th¬, 1x 11th & 1x 13th in the club! On these flights are almost no pigeons lost and that is today almost even more important! Lost pigeons do not fly prices!!! 12 flights 12 results! My Dad, Ron van Nunen has not done badly with our youngsters at the 8 youngster flights and the 4 late flights. Of the 12 flights 3x 1st, 1x 2nd, 2x 3rd, 1x 5th, 2x 7th, 1x 9th¬, 1x 11th & 1x 13th in the club! On these flights are almost no pigeons lost and that is today almost even more important! Lost pigeons do not fly prices!!! Our motto ‘RACING AND BREEDING IS OUR PASSION’ only the best is gut enough to become champion but to remain a champion is the ultimate feat! Yours in pigeon sport
Ron & Marc van Nunen |
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